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Thursday, 25 April 2019

Happy Thursday with a confession

EEEks Happy Thursday Everyone time for a little confession....
Felicity was here last night and if you don't know she is cat mad ~ I was on Instagram when I spotted this little cat , I showed Felicity who said she just had to have it 
"Pleeeeeaseeeeee Grandma "
So I agreed to get it for her but she could colour it at the weekend
All agreed ....Little cat purchased
This morning after she went to school I thought I would print a few of the little cat out ready for her and leave on her craft desk.
Paper in the printer ~ check
Print cat ~ check
Admire little cat ~ check
Colour little cat ~ oooooppppps
I so could not resist and now I feel really mean :-(

Ingredients Used
Sentiment ~ Typed on computer
Stencil ~ Polkadoodles

BTW if you love this image as much as we do pop across to Julia Spiri Facebook group to Get a whopping 50% off but be quick offer ends on 27th April

I coloured up the cat using Distress Inks . 
On my manilla tag I used Distress Oxide Tea Dye. Then using a stencil and Oxide Vintage Photo went over the top 
I printed out my sentiment and then added everything in place
The Bulldog Clip was an after thought as this is the perfect size for my Diary and I like to have certain pages bookmarked
I have really enjoyed making this , Who knew it would be so usefull
Thank you for looking
I Would like to enter this into
Lemon Shortbread ~ Anything Goes
TTCRD ~ Anything Goes
World Wide Open Design Team Challenge ~ Anything Goes
Ally's Angels ~ Anything Goes
Creative Inspirations ~ Easter or/and Animal
Time Out ~ Playful


Art by Zowie Dixon said...

Oh this is just beautiful! You're not alone, I print off images for my son and then use them too, haha!! Thank you so much for entering our ATG challenge at Through The Craft Room Door this week. Looking forward to seeing you again next challenge.
Hugs, Zowie.
Crafts from the Fairy Den {My Blog}
Through The Craft Room Door

Joyce said...

This is darling, and really so wonderfully colored. Thanks so much for playing along at Time Out.

Monica C. said...

I love your tag! You did a great job on the coloring and the color scheme is just perfect.
Thank you for sharing with us over here at World Wide Open Design Team Challenge and best of luck with your entry.

Monica DT Member for https://worldwideopendesignteamchallenge.blogspot.com/

CraftyNatalie said...

Great creation. Thanks for joining us at Creative inspirations.

Loose Stitches said...

Fabulous creation, lovely coloring and design! I understand why you colored that cutie, I can't wait to color him myself. :) Thank you for sharing with us over at World Wide Open Design Team Challenge and best of luck with your entry.
~ Sherry DT/Admin xx

Gerrina said...

Can so understand that you couldn't resist! A playful sweet kitten! And a beautifully made tag! Thank you for joining us at TIME OUT!

Rene said...

I love this so much!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Creative Inspirations! Good luck,

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