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Friday, 28 February 2020

The Toadstool Tots

Oh Wowser very excited to be sharing with you my makes for the brand new Digi release
Before I begin to share my makes with you how about a super duper discount code
This will give you a 15% discount but only until Sunday 1st March Midnight (UK)
How adorable are they!!
Find them all here
This is the new release for JMC Designs
Make sure your a member of the Facebook group there are often freebies and goodies that we share .
I absolute have a blast with JMC Designs
I totally adore the quirky characters and this collection blew me away , I think this is my favourite collection todate
 JMC are also going to be selling physical products very, very soon !!!
So meet the Tot family
we have
Teia Tot
Tessa Tot
Tia Tot 

Tilly Tot
There are also some yummy sentiments and accessories just looksie at the snails
I shall be back later with more Tot projects
Thanks for stopping by
My Blog

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