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Sunday, 29 October 2017

Happy Halloween

What another fun weekend we have had
Our lovely Granddaughter Felicity came to stay
We had a spooky visit to the farm on Friday where there was a Halloween experience
It was great everything from Pumkin carving to a spooky tractor ride where we got squirted with water by skeletons, our driver was hit over the head by a grave digger and he continued to drive the tractor (not very well I might add)
Felicity goes home tommorow so alas will not be with us for Halloween but that did not stop her crafting
this little lot took her hours and hours
Soooo Happy Halloween to you all
Love from Grandma & Felicity 

Felicity would like to enter these into
My Time To Craft ~ Halloween/Cats

The Fairy and the Unicorn ~ Anything Goes
Fussy and Fancy ~ So Spooky
Kitty Bee Designs ~ Halloween
Come and Get It ~ Halloween
Glitter N Sparkle ~ Halloween


Gale said...

These are so cute. Thanks for sharing with us at The Fairy and the Unicorn and we hope to see you again soon. Hugs, Gale DT

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

You must all have a had a wonderful time AND crafting too? FAB.

MagsB said...

Congratulations, Felicity, on these wonderful, spooky creations! It sounds as if you had a lovely time last weekend! Thanks to Grandma, too, for posting about your gorgeous work!

Thanks for joining in at My Time to Craft!

love Mags B x

Jasmina said...

Love these little monsters. Great job Felicity!
Thanks for joining us at Come and Get It Challenge.

Pat said...

What a fabulous array of spooky Halloween creatures, hope you had a great time at Halloween.

Pat xx

Karla Yungwirth said...

These are fantastic!! It sounds like you had a wonderful Halloween! Thanks so much for joining us for the Kitty Bee Designs Challenge! Hope to see you again :) Hugs, DT Karla

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