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Friday, 11 August 2017

Starfish & Sandcastles by Felicity

I really wanted to share with you this game that Felicity made
She made it at one of her summer craft classes but as soon as she was home reconstructed it.

Felicity made the background colured with pencils
and used the Polkadoodles collection
for the creatures ( I cut these out for her)
Felicity coloured these 
and added randomn numbers to the back of each one
As we wanted the game to last I laminated them (optional)
and then she popped a paper clip on each one so they become magnetic
Using her rod she had made at class
all thats needed here is wood, string and a small magnet
The game was complete
Simply pop them behind the background so no one can see them
dangle your rod and fish away
You could vary the game -i.e the highest number wins
letters on the back - spell something
My little Grandson visited on Sunday he loved playing 
Thank you for looking 
P.s ignore the numbers on the front I have added those as I am using this for our Polkadoodles weekly game on facebook - why not pop over and join us you could win a prize xx
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Crafters Companion - Natures Garden Flora and Fauna

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