Fabby Followers

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Cool Blue

Pop over to Digi Choosday and join our new challenge Cool Blue
Oh I just love a colour challenge , I have used the fantastic collection - Work and Play 8 - Music

 Using the little Guitar boy ,

 Papers, Sentiment and Guitars from the collection. I have coloured with Graph'It markers and used glossy accents over the guitars. 

Guitar Boy is also available as a digi image on his own and you can also buy his own 

I would like to enter this into 
A Gem of a Challenge - Birthday card for a Boy
Scribble and Scrap - Anything Goes
Corrosive Challenge - Winter Blues

What I have used


Eve's Been Reading said...

Gorgeous - I love it x

Diane said...

One rocking card Jan !!

hugs Diane xx

Jane Savage said...

Love this shape of card, Jan, and that little guy looks perfect on those fab papers! xxx

Anjie said...

Love this, fab colouring!

nat design said...

Piękne kartki tworzysz. Od zawsze podziwiam ludzi, którzy robią scrapbookingiem bo mi jakoś to nie wychodzi. Sporo kasy zmarnowałam już na papiery i dziurkacze. Pomysł na taką kartkę pozwolę sobie zachować w pamięci, bo mam w rodzinie malarza;) U Ciebie jest tak ładnie i równo:)
Ja z kolei wolę robić biżuterię.Jak będziesz miała chwilę to zajrzyjna bloga, którego właśnie założyłam: http://natdesgn.blogspot.com

What I Created Next said...

What a wonderful card Scatty. Great colours and shape too.

NicoleDesigns said...

This is pure awesomeness...... such a great make.... xo Nikki

Moni said...

Your card really rock!!!!

Caz said...

Beautiful Jan xx

Alyx said...

Fabulous rocker card. Thank you for joining us over at the Scribble and Scrap Challenge. Good luck.

Sharon Smith said...

Fab card Jan, Thanks for joining us at Scribble and Scrap xxx

Crafting Vicky said...

This is soooo fun!!!! Love the great shape for this card!!!

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