Fabby Followers

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Bookworm Harry

Over at Digital Delights it showcase Thursday
I have used the lovely image
To make my book mark
also used
Coloured with promarkers
I have also used Ribbon and Glossy Accents
Dont forget to check the blog to see the other projects
amd also the challenge this week is New you can find that here
Thank you for looking
I would like to enter this into
Crafting for all seasons - Back to school
Ribbon Carousel - Back to school
Kaboodle Doodles - Back to school


Lisa Foster said...

Hi Jan!
Oh I just love your adorable book mark! SO cute!

Anonymous said...

Jan love your bookmark so cute. Love Alison xx

Aunty Sue said...

oh fab fab fab love the colouring. xx

Crafters Companion - Natures Garden Flora and Fauna

SHOP HERE  Natures Garden  Flora and Fauna Launches on Wednesday 12th March