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Thursday, 6 June 2024

JMC - Gift Holder Tutorial

What I used
JMC Bumble Buzz Digital Download Collection
White Cardstock 1 Piece that A4 , 11 5/8" x 5" (this is for the main Card base)
White Cardstock 1 piece that measures 11.5" x 1.5" (this is for the belly band - optional)
Black Card Stock for Matts (2 x A4)
Bumble Buzz Digital Download Collection Papers (for the layers & Belly Band) I used 2 x A4 printed - For the bag I used 1 x A4 Printed
Acetate (optional)
Ribbon/Twine 2 pieces 7"
Score Board
Paper Trimmer

Card Base
1 . Using the White Cardstock 11 5/8" x 5" and score along the long side at 4" and at 9.5" ( Photo 1), Fold and burnish score lines.
2. Cut Matts - 2 at 1.75" x 4.75" 2 at 3.75" x 4.75" and 1 at 5.25" x 4.75 "
3. Cut Layers - 2 at 1.5" x 4.5 " 2 at 3.5" x 4.5" and 1 at 5." x 4.5"
4. Glue Matts/Layers together and adhere to front and inside of Card base
5. Cut Card to 4" x 10.5 " - Along the 4" side score at .5" and 3" (photo 2)
6. Remove all pieces marked in Black (photo 2) - Fold and burnish score lines
7. With the top of the bag folded over and .5 " either side make holes on the fold for the ribbon (photo 2)
8. Attach Ribbon or twine fold over and glue flaps to the inside of bag
9. Add glue to open side of bag
10. Add glue to one side of the underneath and add onto the card base (photo 1)
11. Add glue to the other side and close the card , hold together for time for the glue too bond
The Belly Band/ Topper /Decorations
These are all optional
12. Use a piece of Black Card that measures 10.5" x 1.5" and a piece of patterned paper that measures 10.25" x 1.25" glue these together
(this will need to be longer of you are not adding a topper)
13. Fold the belly band around the closed card , it wants to be a snug fit but needs to be removable - Don't worry that it does not fit exact as the topper will cover the open part.
Make a topper any size you wish, and attach to Belly Band -( I used some foam here to add dimension). For the decorations/Sentiment I used JMC Bumble Buzz Digital Download Collection. Finish by decorating inside. I attached the bee's/Flowers using thin strips of acetate. (using acetate makes them wiggle when the card is opened) 
Have a lovely day

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