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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Tiered Cake Gift Card Holder - GDT Silhoutte

Hey who saw my post last week with my fantastic news of becoming a GDT for Silhouette?
I know a few of you did as I received some fantastic responses
Thank you so much xx

Soooooo here goes for my first project....
A lovely Tiered Cake Gift Card Holder
and whats more.... Its free for a week 

If you have a Silhoutte/Portrait why not pop into the shop and get it , better still make something with it and enter the weekly challenge.
I would love to come visit your blogs and see your take on it

You can find the Silhoutte Blog right here

My project turned into a wedding cake but of course use it how you wish, Birthdays, christenings etc 

I cut all the pieces out on my portrait, and popped the base together, I then used a heart embossing folder on the overlay panels (this took me a while as it was a massive search to find my missing folder - why is it always the one you want to use?)

I then found some lovely Characters to use
The Wedding Car and Bride and Groom ( although I used the coloured version from the Collection on mine) - I decided on making the gift card so it all matched in, but a normal gift card slots in there perfectly.
I cut out lots of flowers on my portrait , stuck them on and then added lots of little pearls.
Thank you for looking
I shall be back again next Tuesday with another project to share


Janet Packer said...

Jan, I love your take on the Wedding Gift Holder - so pretty with those lovely flowers and pearls. It's fantastic to have you join us as guest designer on the Silhouette UK Blog and on the Silhouette UK Weekly free file Challenge. I'm looking forward to seeing all your future makes and ideas! Welcome. X

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Gift Holder, love the flowers. Alison xxx

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